
 Union County Middle 8th Grade Science!

My name is Mrs. Helding and I will be your 8th grade science teacher.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by email.

Students will need to have a notebook, highlighters and colored pencils.  Students will be taking notes in class, creating diagrams and completing laboratory write-ups.  Please have your child review the notes on a daily basis to further their science learning.

Assignments are assessed and categorized as follows: 


 Class Activities

 Laboratory Write-ups

 Benchmark Tests  



 Vocabulary Quizzes  

*Students who are enrolled in Physical Science the End of Course Testing is 20% of final grade.


*Because our primary goal is to maximize student 

achievement, material may be added, deleted, 

and/or substituted at the teacher’s discretion based 

on the individual needs, levels, and learning styles 

of each class. Creative projects, written 

assignments, and supplemental materials may be 

included also throughout the year as opportunities 

arise. Likewise, there will be ongoing assessments 

as well as daily-standardized test preparations. 



8th Grade Standards



8th Grade Physical Science Standards (High School Credit)



We are going to have a great year!